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The holidays often leave us with wonderful memories…and a few extra pounds.

Here are some fitness tips to help you kick off a healthy new year that can easily be incorporated into your daily routine–without breaking the budget.

Start a journal of foods and exercise. You’ll be surprised what you eat!
Get support from family and friends for your healthy lifestyle efforts.
Walk for 30 minutes a day at a good speed.
Spend time physically playing with the kids, grandchildren or your dog.
Run up and down steps a few times a day.
Get your heart rate up.
Park and walk. Find a parking space as far away as possible and walk.
Eat smaller portions (think salad plate) instead of filling a dinner plate.
Cut down on sodas, lattes, sugar. Don’t buy these items for your home.
Eat and drink slowly and in moderation.
Bring your own healthy lunch to work each day.
Fill up on salad and veggies.
Drink water before dining out.
Start a meal with a non-creamy soup such as a bouillon or broth.
If you’re traveling, take along healthy snacks you’ve already prepared.
Work out at with a friend; a work-out buddy can be a great inspiration.

Now you’re now on the road to a healthy new lifestyle and truly happy new year!


Kim's Corner

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